Digital publishing tool provider Aquafadas has had an ongoing relationship with Kobo‘s digital content consumption platform for quite some time, but news came out today that the partnership just got better. Aquafadas initially released its Cloud Authoring tool as a streamlined process for publishers looking to make their digital magazines and newspapers even better for readers on Kobo’s line of devices and on personal computers. Today, the company announced new features that will make the process even easier to use, virtually eliminating the need for programmers or developers in order to publish their content.
“While there are many barriers to entry in the world of digital publishing – time, money, manpower, the list goes on – Kobo and Aquafadas essentially break them down and offer publishers a way in, without creating more work for either party,” says Claudia Zimmer, CEO, Aquafadas. “By using Aquafadas Cloud Authoring to convert magazines into digital-friendly versions, all publishers need to do is provide Kobo with their magazine PDF files, which have already been created. The entire conversion process takes place behind the scenes and in the cloud.”
Using the same PDFs that publishers’ teams of designers make for print editions, Kobo can then seamlessly turn those into digital editions without delay or lengthy reworking.
“We’re extremely pleased with the power and versatility that Aquafadas Cloud Authoring offers in terms of digitizing content,” says Michael Tamblyn, Kobo’s president and chief content officer. “Publishers now have easy access to a global market across virtually any device or platform. Their digital offering becomes robust, intuitive and visually engaging – just as they intended. By offering publishers this conversion service, we are able to not only save them time and money, but quickly give them an entirely new revenue stream.”
One of the new features is the Guided Reading function, which creates a smoother experience for interacting with a digital edition by eliminating the need for touch-based panning and zooming. This also allows the creation of exciting features like an interactive table of contents and the ability to access a complete library of both books and magazines all from within the one user account.
Mercy Pilkington is a Senior Editor for Good e-Reader. She is also the CEO and founder of a hybrid publishing and consulting company.