With the advent of advanced new AI tech that endows it with human-like reading and writing capability, Amazon is suddenly facing a deluge of such AI-written books invading its site at an alarming rate. While there have been all sorts of content making it to Amazon, more recently, it is travel guides written using AI tools that have been making their presence felt on the retailer site.

Not surprisingly, such travel guides are projected to have been written by acclaimed travel writers to make them seem real. They aren’t just stopping at that as such authors also take the effort to garner 5-star ratings for such content to make them seem to be among the more in-demand travel guides out there. Prices too have been kept relatively low to ensure they have the maximum uptake. Guess what, their strategy seems to be working too as many seem to fall for the bait.

Take for instance one such piece titled “Paris Travel Guide 2023: The ultimate super cheap guide to the city of love,” written by one Katherine that the site Futurism highlighted. A reader pointed out it’s one of the most shoddily written travel guides, one that does not offer anything other than the more obvious stuff that one would anyways come across via other sources.

As the NYT pointed out, one tell-tale sign of such AI-written stuff is the author profile which tends to lack authenticity. From being half-hearted attempts to being vague or might be even completely missing as well, these happen to be a sure-shot means to identify such AI-generated content. What’s more, such profiles even have images that too seem to have been spun using AI tools.

Unfortunately, many don’t seem to care about such details and end up buying the content, which is exactly what the scammers are looking for. Amazon, on its part, stated they are doing all they can to ensure it is only quality material that makes it to its library.

“All publishers in the store must adhere to our content guidelines,” an Amazon spokesperson told the NYT. “We invest significant time and resources to ensure our guidelines are followed and remove books that do not adhere to these guidelines.”

Senior Writer at Good e-Reader | sovy@goodereader.com

With a keen interest in tech, I make it a point to keep myself updated on the latest developments in technology and gadgets. That includes smartphones or tablet devices but stretches to even AI and self-driven automobiles, the latter being my latest fad. Besides writing, I like watching videos, reading, listening to music, or experimenting with different recipes. The motion picture is another aspect that interests me a lot, and I'll likely make a film sometime in the future.