Picking up your favorite novel and diving into the world of words is the best way to take some time off from the rat race of life. But this leisure pursuit can also help you to sharpen your memory and enhance your cognitive skills drastically.
The positive impact of reading on memory is closely related to the triggering of new neural connections in the brain. Every time you read fiction, different areas of your brain work are stirred, improving your retention capacity. In fact, there’s an overall psychological evolution with the development of empathy and attention skills. As you continue to read, your brain becomes better equipped to process and remember information.
Moreover, inculcating the habit of reading can lower the risk of dementia, especially in the elderly. Many studies also highlight the enhancement of language processing through reading. A wide vocabulary knowledge improves the ability to understand and express emotions well, making one feel socially and emotionally confident. If you don’t want to spend money on buying more fiction books, then find the best sites to download free e-books.
Fiction or Nonfiction to Boost Memory?
Reading fantasy or science fiction e-books or physical books requires the use of imagination and visualization skills. As researchers explain, reading a descriptive passage with every little detail of the events, people, and objects stimulates us to create images and associations that strengthen our memorizing ability mentally. More precisely, this episodic memory allows us to recall specific events, experiences, and details. This amazing reading fact, however, may not be true in the case of reading non-fiction.
Richard Restak’s newly launched book, The Complete Guide to Memory: The Science of Strengthening Your Mind, marvelously explores and describes combating memory problems. Apart from the commonly known suggestions for boosting retention and recalling abilities (such as indulging in brain games, relying less on gadgets for remembering things, etc.), Restak shares a very significant observation.
He noticed that when people are struck with memory difficulties, they switch to non-fiction books with the least concentration and association. As we read non-fictional prose, we simply skim through the text. There’s no presence of complex narratives and characters, which can bring the episodic memory into work for keeping track of the storyline and the characters’ development. So, reading nonfiction may not be as helpful as compared to a novel.
If you have no time to read fiction or any other novel, then audiobooks can be a great option. In addition, you can try e-reading if you love to read novels and don’t want to listen to them. Both audiobooks and e-reading options allow you to choose fiction stories from many novels without carrying them in a bag or hand while traveling. Also, this costs you less than buying physical books, you can check Apple Books for free books.
Books Vs Physicians
Reading is an effective remedy for memory issues, particularly forgetting trivial things. However, Restak also advises not to rely on books to help with severe memory and attention troubles. Numerous issues, such as hormonal imbalance, insomnia, dietary deficiencies, injuries, etc., may also contribute to cognitive issues. If you are experiencing severe memory problems, you must seek professional help to get the timely diagnosis and care you need to sustain your brain’s overall health.
Navkiran Dhaliwal is a seasoned content writer with 10+ years of experience. When she's not writing, she can be found cooking up a storm or spending time with her dog, Rain.