Robert Graves

RosettaBooks has licensed the ebook rights to Robert Graves, I Claudius and Claudius the God in the US. Both the literary pieces are among the most famous works of Graves who is also credited with 140 other contributions to English poetry and novel during his long tenure in the 20th century. With this, RosettaBooks now has acquired the US rights to 10 titles along with world rights to 8 English titles including The Anger of Achilles, which is the translation of The Iliad by Graves.

“We are privileged to add these 18 works of Robert Graves to our major author collections at RosettaBooks,” said Arthur Klebanoff, CEO of RosettaBooks. The independent digital publisher had earlier set up an office in London during February headed by Jonathan Ward in its bid to secure rights to more English titles.

“UK agents are very focused on this now. They realise these backlists are very valuable and are prepared to think about how they address it; it’s become a very lively issue,” said Arthur Klebanoff, the CEO and founder of RosettaBooks.

Apart from the works of Robert Graves, RosettaBooks has also acquired the digital rights to Sir Winston Churchill’s writings though the publisher has also stated they will be making available at least a dozen of Churchill titles on a print-on-demand basis, with the first to arrive around spring 2014.

Senior Writer at Good e-Reader |

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