Kim Kardashian has a new book out called Selfish. The title is 448 pages and comprises of selfie pictures she took of herself over the last ten years. If there was a poster child of the selfie movement, it would likely be Kim. While the Daily News might consider this title “as much a part of pop-art history as when Andy Warhol painted soup cans.” Many critics are far less impressed.
Project Runway Judge Tim Gunn read a few of the books captains in a recent interview “I took a selfie at a red light while driving. I think that’s illegal now,” Gunn noted, “Well, she’s illegal.” And of a photo of Kardashian sticking out her tongue, he said, “Can I just say something? To all the young people out there in particular, banish this… This is disgusting and vile. What if this is the only thing that survives in the time capsule?”
Gunn then singled out of a picture of the reality TV star wearing a heavy fur coat with the caption, “I just got this Fendi coat and was in New York. I was in a taxi and took this selfie to send to Kanye to see if he liked my new coat. He did!” Gunn’s response? “I feel my IQ plummeting.”
Laura Bennett of Slate Magazine said in a recent review “This book does not have grand literary ambitions. It has no literary ambitions at all. It barely has words. The words it does contain are so aggressively repetitive that they feel like a true feat of editorial indifference. “Bikini selfies are my favorite,” Kim remarks in one caption. “Bikini selfies are my fave,” she later adds. She is not coy with her themes. “The pictures in this book bring back so many memories,” she writes. Then: “I love that we have these memories.” Also: “These pics bring back so many memories.” Not to mention: “I love doing photo shoots and having memories.” I’ve never seen someone make so little effort to be interesting—a banality so confident it feels like a revelation. “I love,” she writes at one point, “that I have thousands of pics.”
Meanwhile the reviews on have exploded with hilarious reader comments. Here are the best gems below for your complete reading pleasure.
“This book is on the reading list for my psychology class on Narcissistic personality disorder to show us what to look for.”
“A literary masterpiece! Worthy of being in the company of Bastiat and Hugo! The powerful visual imagery, coupled with her internationally acclaimed humanitarian, scientific and academic achievements will catapult her to historic international importance. Her book will go down in history as the defining moment of 21st Century social relevance and intellectual achievement. I have no doubt that this publication will soon join the Bible and the Koran as one of the world’s most influential books of all time!”
Kim Kardashian West here provides us with an existential black hole that the transcendental nihilism of a Ray Brassier can only dream of evoking (in fact, I find it interesting that on pages 256-257, somewhere a little past the book’s halfway point, we are provided with two pages that have no words or pictures at all, pages that are completely black: it is as if this is symbolic of the black hole at the center of Western society/civilization, with the selfies orbiting it like husks of dead galaxies).
“I don’t understand why people are not considering the far ranging historical implications of this book. This is a tool that could end modern day warfare. We load up drones with thousands of these babies and airborne release over the headquarters of our enemies. Each book will descend to the earth like the gift from Heaven above that it is. Delivered by a cute little white parachute which could also double as their surrender flags, we do have the technology to see such tiny surrender flags from satellites orbiting the Earth. Plus, there would be so many of them so don’t you worry. We could definitely see that from space.”
“This book has the capability to defeat our enemies on several fronts. First, after receiving it, they would have no idea what our current political and military policies towards them thereby creating mass confusion in their ranks. Second, after perusing it, they could feel so sorry for our society that they decide to take their fight elsewhere. The enemy’s logic could follow this trajectory “If this is what is important in that society, it will destroy itself. We can use our weapons better elsewhere.” Third, if running low on heating supplies, the enemy might burn this book en masse. Once again the satellites come into play and bingo! Drone strike. Lastly, this book could bring world peace by making our enemies stop and think. Leadership should never be surrounded by a bunch of “yes” men as Mrs. West is. It just might make them take time out to have a ‘sensing session’ to see what is wrong in their ranks. After all, this book could help the enemy to stand down, take some time reevaluate goals and use the knowledge garnered in a series of team building exercises. In the meantime, Kim K has bought us valuable time to incapacitate our enemies. Just when you think this woman could not give any more to humanity, she gives us this. We live in historical times.”
Michael Kozlowski is the editor-in-chief at Good e-Reader and has written about audiobooks and e-readers for the past fifteen years. Newspapers and websites such as the CBC, CNET, Engadget, Huffington Post and the New York Times have picked up his articles. He Lives in Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada.