Today in Santa Monica, CA, Amazon held its product unveiling event. There the company announced several new devices and services including tablets, e-readers, and new programs and applications. Let’s focus on what Amazon is mainly known for… the Kindle. Today it released the brand new Amazon Kindle Paperwhite.
The Kindle Paperwhite features a six inch e-ink Pearl display screen with 212 PPI. The big hyping factor is that they jammed 62% more pixels into the screen to give you higher resolution them previous models.
Amazon really had to release a new type of e-reader that had the same glowing functionality as the Barnes and Noble Simple Touch with Glowlight and the new Kobo Glo. Customers now more then ever are demanding that they be able to read in low-light conditions, without needing bright ambient light. The new Kindle Paperwhite is their new flagship e-ink reader, that is set to take the market by storm.
Amazon claims that the battery life will last you around eight weeks with the light on, which far surpasses the competition. The only drawback is that there is no audio functionality, so you won’t be able to take advantage of audiobooks.
There will be two different models being issued, a WIFI exclusive and a 3G variant. With most of Amazon’s 3G models, it is FREE, so you won’t have to pay a monthly charge or worry about extra costs. This is perfect for people who don’t live in WIFI coverage areas, or tend to travel lots
This e-reader looks amazing. When amazon brought out the Amazon Kindle 4th generation, I thought that was a great improvement over the Kindle Keyboard. Then they released the Kindle Touch wi-fi and Kindle Touch 3G. I didn’t think it could get any better. But now they go and release this, an amazing ereader WITH a glow light built in. Whites are whiter and darks are darker on this brand new e-reader. Amazon has always been ahead of the curve in the e-reader market, but now it has outdone itself. But wait, it gets even better… this new e-reader is only $119. That’s right!
Kindle Paperwhite Wifi = 119$
Kindle Paperwhite 3G = 179$
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