Mobius 32 Flex

E Ink has just unveiled a brand new 32 inch e-paper screen that is totally flexible. These two features make the display an ideal solution as a drop-in replacement for digital signage applications in transportation and other public information systems. This is the latest addition to the E Ink Mobius product line of lightweight, flexible displays.

The key attribute of the new product is that it can be flexed and conformed into either one simple curve or multiple curves. Transportation systems, such as buses and trains, frequently have overhead display surfaces for information and advertisements that require curved display systems.

“E Ink Mobius displays offer a unique solution for public information systems and other digital signage applications,” said Harit Doshi, E Ink’s head of the signage business unit. “The flexibility, lightweight and low power requirements of the 32” Mobius display make it an ideal drop-in replacement for the existing paper or plastic systems in present use. Operators can upgrade their systems to provide greater customer service without having to make major infrastructural changes.”

The 32” Mobius display weighs 150 grams, or less than 6 ounces, with a resolution of 2650 X 1440 at 94 ppi. It has all the paper-like readability and low power consumption of E Ink displays, and will not add a significant power load on the system. It can even be powered with solar cells and rechargeable batteries.

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Michael Kozlowski is the editor-in-chief at Good e-Reader and has written about audiobooks and e-readers for the past fifteen years. Newspapers and websites such as the CBC, CNET, Engadget, Huffington Post and the New York Times have picked up his articles. He Lives in Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada.