When digital publishing first began experiencing its major growth spurt only a handful of years ago, many critics argued that a digital book was no better than its print counterpart, mostly since many e-publishers at that time were simply creating an identical page format on a screen-based devices. Now that digital publishers have truly begun to tap into the capabilities of ebooks, companies like hybris are helping those publishers take their product even further.
“Digital products are different from physical products. They’re alive,” stated Ariel Ludi, CEO of hybris, in a press release. “Using the internet to stay connected after the initial sale, offering related or next-in-series products in context, gives publishers of any digital goods or content the ability to have high-value perpetual digital relationships with their customers. hybris helps them create – and grow – those relationships.”
While hybris does not limit itself to the promotion of ebook content, adapting its model to the needs of all kinds of digital content providers, hybris does allow for a much more personalized product from the end to the user, lending itself well to the needs of ebook development.
“As the shift from paper and CDs to downloaded or streaming content accelerates, companies are increasingly experimenting with innovative selling models. hybris supports these initiatives with an agile selling platform that is engineered for extension, expansion, and innovation,” said Moritz Zimmerman hybris Chief Technology Officer in the same press release. “With these new capabilities publishers selling to consumers, professionals, academics or industry will get much faster time to innovation and a much better total cost of ownership.”
Mercy Pilkington is a Senior Editor for Good e-Reader. She is also the CEO and founder of a hybrid publishing and consulting company.