Canada’s largest book retailer announced that effective September 5th 2022, its Board has approved leadership changes within the company. As reported by Newswire,  Indigo’s founder & Chief Executive Officer, Heather Reisman, has been appointed the position of Executive Chair;  Indigo’s President, Peter Ruis, will take on the role of Chief Executive Officer, as well as, being appointed to the Board of Directors. Ruis is being replaced as President by Andrea Limbardi, Indigo’s Chief Customer and Digital Officer.

Reisman noted an opportunity in Canada for larger big boxed stores back in the mid-1990’s and opened an Indigo Store in Burlington Ontario. As of July 2, 2022, the Company operated 88 superstores under the banners Chapters and Indigo, and 84 smaller stores, under the names Coles and Indigospirit.(Indigo History Fast Facts). Since then she has spent her time expanding, working on transforming its product base, keeping up with brand and setting trends. As Executive Chair, Reisman will continue to drive Indigo’s vision and growth strategy while also remaining deeply involved in the business.

On the appointment of Limbardi to the position of President, Reisman shared “In the over 20 years that Andrea has been at Indigo, she has continually taken on more and more responsibility always making an exceptional contribution.” Reisman went on to share that Limbardi showed key leadership skills which were a big part to them achieving their goals.

On the appointment of Peter Ruis to the position of CEO, Reisman said “Having worked with Peter closely over the last 20 months, I have full confidence that Peter is the right leader for Indigo and that he will be instrumental to both our future success and to sustaining the core values and culture that have underpinned this organization since its founding.” (Toronto Star)

Ruis shared with Newsire, “I am honored and delighted to be taking on the new role. I would like to pay tribute to Heather’s 25 years of creating and running this incredible brand and look forward to our new partnership as we shape the future.” Ruis went on to thank the Board of Directors for their dedicated and hard work during this transition.

Indigo Human Resources, the Board of Directors, and the Compensation and Governance Committee, have all been involved in the detailed process of planning this succession for some time. In addition, the executive leadership team has been involved to ensure there’s a seamless and effective transition on all levels; from top right down the ground floor experience. Headquartered in Toronto the Company employs approximately 5,000 people across the country. (Indigo Fast Facts)

An avid book reader and proud library card holder, Angela is new to the world of e-Readers. She has a background in education, emergency response, fitness, loves to be in nature, traveling and exploring. With an honours science degree in anthropology, Angela also studied writing after graduation. She has contributed work to The London Free Press, The Gazette, The Londoner, Best Version Media, Lifeliner, and