
The Internet Archive is one of the most important, if not the most important, digital archives on the planet. If you haven’t gone to their site and poked around I suggest you do so—if you want to lose the rest of the day! According to their blog, they raised $1 million in contributions last year. With that, they are going to purchase 4 petabytes of storage.

In 2012 they brought readers 50,000,000,000 web pages, 1,000,000 hours of television, 370,000 new audio/music items, and 100,000 new videos. In addition they launched the TV News Search & Borrow service, making almost 400,000 TV news programs searchable and made all of Balinese literature available online. Looking at their front page I see that they make available 1,111,430 movies, 110,485 live concerts, 1,475,402 audio recordings, and 3,782,168 texts.

All one can say is Wow!