ereader buyers guideThis guide is a compilation of reviews on more than fifty e-reader devices. While other forms of electronics are available on the market, such as smartphones and tablet PCs, digital reading technology still has a strong foothold in the world of ebooks. This title will help you weigh your needs versus the multitude of offerings on the market today.

Some of those needs focus around ease of use and price point. Other users will have needs that allow them to incorporate their own fonts. More advanced users may want an e-reader that allows them to upload their own digital content directly to the device. This buyers’ guide will assist the user in making a wise choice based on the expected outcome for the technology.

Many of the devices that have been reviewed for this guide have actually been tested by the staff of Good e-Reader, and in many instances videos of the products can be found on the Goodereader website. The popular Out-of-the-Box video feature actually demonstrates every aspect of key devices, from turning it on for the first time through downloading content to the machine.

Whichever device you may choose to purchase, we hope this guide gives you the necessary information to make a selection so you will be happy with for all your electronic reading needs. You can download our Buyers Guide for free at Smashwords in many different formats! You can download and read the guide on your PC, MAC, Kindle, Nook, Kobo or any other reader. The Buyers Guide is FREE and you can download it today at
Our e-Reader Buyers Guide for 2011 is also available via Amazon to have it delivered to  your e-Reader or any device that supports the App. You can purchase it here  We also just made it available for European Customers at Xinxii.

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Michael Kozlowski is the editor-in-chief at Good e-Reader and has written about audiobooks and e-readers for the past fifteen years. Newspapers and websites such as the CBC, CNET, Engadget, Huffington Post and the New York Times have picked up his articles. He Lives in Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada.

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