This guide is a compilation of reviews on more than fifty e-reader devices. While other forms of electronics are available on the market, such as smartphones and tablet PCs, digital reading technology still has a strong foothold in the world of ebooks. This title will help you weigh your needs versus the multitude of offerings on the market today. Some of those needs focus … [Read more...] about The Good e-Reader Buyers Guide for 2011
e-reader buyers guide
The Good E-Reader Buyers Guide for 2010
Welcome to the Good e-Reader 2010 Buyers guide for E-Readers! As you may or may not be aware E-Readers in the last year have really taken the world by storm and have embedded themselves into the public consciousness like never before. Although e-readers have been around for 3 or 4 years now, they have firmly entrenched themselves into popular culture, with commercials, magazine … [Read more...] about The Good E-Reader Buyers Guide for 2010