Fellow bookworms will be thrilled to know that their appetites can now be satiated much like movie and television show lovers are by Netflix using the new Oyster – Read Unlimited Books app. Functioning as a subscription service with a library of over 500,000 titles (with additions every week, including New York Times bestsellers), Oyster is a bargain at $9.95 per month (especially considering you can start off with a 30-day free trial).
Built with special consideration for the variety of screen sizes and resolutions found among the variety of Android devices out there, Oyster boasts a special high contrast type-face (handy for reading outdoors) among the choices between a variety of other attractive themes. Even better are the book detail pages, featuring editors notes and thoughtful reviews –though my favourite feature is “read time,” which shows the approximate time it should take me to finish a particular book (think: can I finish this title while I’m traveling and in airports today? how many books should I sync for offline reading while I am at the beach this afternoon?).
It’s hard not to love a subscription-style service like Oyster offers –how many times have you wanted to re-read an old favourite story, but it seems expensive to pay the cover price for something tried and true instead of new? How many recommendations from friends have you passed on because your budget steered you toward something that was more of a sure thing?
Get started with Oyster by downloading the app for free!