Kobo Plus is a new subscription platform that launched in Canada a couple of months ago. There have been many commercials advertising the service and hyping up the unlimited model. With reading time increasing so dramatically, the Kobo Plus eBook subscription is an ideal way to approach a bucket list of literary classics, an entire author’s catalogue, or to dive into a new field of interest. Because the subscription allows for all-you-can-read for one low fee, regardless of the price of individual books, readers can sample a few pages from a genre or author they have never read, moving onto another book guilt-free if it’s not to their taste. It’s an ideal solution for avid book lovers who can tear through several books a month, and for those who prefer to read a few chapters before purchasing.
Kobo Plus, the all-you-can-read eBook subscription platform costs $9.99 per month. Booklovers can now choose from hundreds of thousands of eBooks, including French-language titles as well as a variety of books in Spanish, Italian, German, Russian, Portuguese, Polish, Dutch, and more, to serve those communities in Canada as well. It comes with a risk-free 30-day trial. Readers can access Kobo Plus directly on the Kobo E-Readers, as well as subscribe, it can also be accessed via the Kobo apps for iOS and Android.
Kobo Plus is only available in Canada and the Netherlands. The company has promised that it will expand into other markets. Have you given Kobo Plus a try? What was your initial impression? Since it launched, Kobo has not released any statistics on how many people signed up for free trials or have converted into a paid subscriber.
Michael Kozlowski is the editor-in-chief at Good e-Reader and has written about audiobooks and e-readers for the past fifteen years. Newspapers and websites such as the CBC, CNET, Engadget, Huffington Post and the New York Times have picked up his articles. He Lives in Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada.