Kobo Writing Life authors now have the option to submit their self-published ebooks to the new Overdrive Cost-Per-Circulation system. The program is available for worldwide distribution and offers a simple submission process, which includes setting a library-specific price.
The One-Copy/One-User model has been around since 2017 for Writing Life Authors. , but the exciting news is the Cost-Per-Circulation model. For each digital book purchased under the OCOU model, Rakuten Kobo will pay the author 50% of the USD library price they set for their works.
Through the Cost-Per-Circulation Model, OverDrive distribution outlets will pay the self-published author each time an eBook is checked out by a customer. The CPC price is 10% of the One-Copy/One-User eBook price, with a minimum price of $0.99 USD. As with OCOU, multiple customers may check out the title at the same time.
“We are delighted to be able to introduce a new way for Kobo Writing Life authors to reach library readers. We believe in allowing authors to reach readers, however they’d like to read. This exciting new opportunity helps KWL authors further diversify their publishing portfolio and makes it easy for librarians to find and take a chance on new, talented authors,” said Tara Cremin, Senior Manager, Author Experience, Kobo Writing Life.
Founded in 2012, Kobo Writing Life is a global independent publishing platform that empowers authors to take their publishing career into their own hands. With Kobo Writing Life, authors maintain their rights, set their prices and distribute their books in any country they choose. Kobo Writing Life does not ask for any exclusivity, so authors are free to publish wherever else they please. Kobo is the global number two player in the ebook space, after Amazon.
Michael Kozlowski is the editor-in-chief at Good e-Reader and has written about audiobooks and e-readers for the past fifteen years. Newspapers and websites such as the CBC, CNET, Engadget, Huffington Post and the New York Times have picked up his articles. He Lives in Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada.