The global popularity of Japanese manga has prompted a unique initiative by the Agency for Cultural Affairs of the Japanese government. In a move to bolster awareness and accessibility of manga worldwide, the agency is collaborating with critics from various countries to curate specialized lists for overseas libraries, Crunchyroll reported.
In a meticulous curation process, the Agency for Cultural Affairs will collaborate with critics from various countries to personally curate up to 100 manga works. This selection will intricately consider the vast array of themes and genres within the manga, demonstrating a nuanced understanding of each nation’s cultural nuances. The Japanese government’s goal is to cater to diverse tastes and preferences, aiding foreign libraries in selecting manga titles that harmonize with their specific cultures, religions, and ethical considerations.
Beyond popular and easily accessible titles, the initiative also seeks to bring attention to lesser-known manga masterpieces. By encouraging the inclusion of these hidden gems in foreign library collections, the program aims to foster the global recognition and development of underappreciated works. The curated lists will not only serve as a valuable resource for library professionals but will also be featured on a dedicated website.
Commencing next year, the agency will roll out comprehensive lists for libraries in high-interest regions such as the U.S., France, and Spain. These lists will include detailed synopses and characteristics of expression for each recommended work. As interest in Japanese manga expands, more countries are slated to be added to the program.
Such an initiative on the part of the Japanese government marks a significant step in promoting cultural exchange and understanding through the vibrant and diverse medium of manga. As these curated collections find their way into libraries around the world, readers can expect an enriching experience that transcends borders and embraces the unique storytelling prowess of Japanese manga.
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