Last year in December, well-known Manga creator Kia Asamiya announced on Twitter that he would be launching a new series in January 2024, as per Anime News Network. The creator revealed this on December 29, when he mentioned the title of the series will be named as Captain Symphonica. Furthermore, the series is said to debut in Takeshobo’s Webcomic Gamma for the audience. The magazine is known for publishing issues every 10th, 20th, and 30th of the month.
Speaking about the manga, the story will be related to the silver-winged spaceship Blitzen that ensures peace within the solar system with the help of the sonic star weapon “Symphonica Waffe.
Back in December 2023, Manga creator Asamiya ended his manga named Speope! (Space Opera!!), with the last one being the 8th volume. The manga was launched in Young King Ours in March 2019. However, the sixth volume of the manga was published in September 2023 by Shonengahosha.
Asamiya is known for several write-ups that are popular among manga lovers and audiences. This includes names like Silent Möbius, Steam Detectives, Compiler, Junk: Record of the Last Hero manga, etc. Some of these manga have been extensively appreciated by people interested in related genres and are some of the most-read manga among others. Many have also been released as anime for the audience.
Other than that, he is also known for providing character designs for the Martian Successor Nadesico anime, as per Anime News Network. The anime was also eventually adapted into the Nadesico manga.
He is also famous for adapting the Star Wars Episode I: The Phantom Menace movie into a manga. Furthermore, the manga creator has written and drawn the Batman: The Child of Dreams comic.
As for his work in other locations, Viz Media published Silent Möbius and Steam Detectives manga in North America and, CPM Manga published mangas like Nadesico, and DrMaster published Junk: Record of the Last Hero. His manga Silent Möbius was licensed by Manga Planet back in July 2020.
Navkiran Dhaliwal is a seasoned content writer with 10+ years of experience. When she's not writing, she can be found cooking up a storm or spending time with her dog, Rain.