Those of you who were around when the Internet was still an infant will likely remember GIFs very fondly (and properly pronounce it with a hard-G and not like ‘jiff’). Not only were they generally nice and small where file-sizes were concerned (something that was especially important back in the dial-up connection days of yore), they allowed for animation at a time long before any other technology really did (easily, at least). Until now, if you wanted to share a GIF on your Twitter timeline, you had to use a third-party add-on… but thankfully they are now natively supported.
One thing to note: much like other media on Twitter, you need to press the ‘view photo’ button to see animated GIFs (at least according to early tests).
It may just be the nostalgia factor making me so happy to report this –but no matter… I am digging through my hard drive looking for some of my ‘oldies but goodies’ and will find a good way to incorporate them into my twitter feed soon!
If you haven’t given it a try yet, download Twitter for Android and get started!