hinge screens

There was a time when admitting that you and your significant other met online was embarrassing; these days it is nearly a cliche. Many services exist that promise to help you meet your next special someone, and adding to that list is Hinge: a dating app with a pocket freshly full of venture funding (to the tune of $4.5M) from groups like Founder Fund and Lowercase Capital.

Unlike many dating sites, Hinge does a little extra work to make sure you are a real person –requiring you to have a Facebook login that ensures both parties in each connection have valid profiles (the developers promise not to post anything on your timeline without your permission). From there, it’s a bit like an evolution of the old matches made by friends –as daily batches of connections are presented to you, assembled from your extended social circles.

The transparent nature of Hinge may unnerve a few people, but it should also bring comfort: profiles, photos and full names –everybody is who they say they are! Taking it a step further, you will also be able to see your friends in common, religion, and plenty of other details that should help you to determine if there is interest and compatibility.

Unfortunately Hinge is only available in NYC, LA. SF, DC, ATL, Chicago, Philly, and Dallas –though I am sure additional locations will be added soon with all of that development capital the company possesses.

Are you looking for a date next Saturday night? Download Hinge for free now.

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