Companies that make electronic readers such as the Nook, have missed the boat when it comes to social media. The only experience any of them provide are allowing you to share a small e-book passage on Facebook. Considering how prevalent sharing, connecting and discovering is in the modern world, it is quite surprising that e-reader companies do not pay attention to it. We … [Read more...] about e-Readers do not provide a valid social media experience
Path Creator Embraces the Selfie with Kong Android App
In this version of the brave new world, social media is king and the selfie is his queen. Love them or hate them, we are surrounded (and included). Path for Android developers understand, and want to be a part of the trend with the addition of a new app: Kong. Kong is a clear attempt at trying to design the next greatest thing in social media by building on a simple concept. … [Read more...] about Path Creator Embraces the Selfie with Kong Android App
Create Photo Collages With Layout App From Instagram
When you consider the blend of photographs and mobile technology, chances are good that thoughts of Instagram are not far behind. Designed to be an easy way to share your favourite images with friends and family, Instagram is easy to use and feature-rich --unless you wanted to create a collage without using a third-party app... at least until now! Instagram has launched a new … [Read more...] about Create Photo Collages With Layout App From Instagram
Tinder Remorse Available For a (Variable) Price
Did you mean to swipe left instead of right? The user interface on Tinder can move pretty fast, especially for those of us who are maybe a little quick to judge. Fortunately, Tinder's new "Rewind" feature is finally live... but it doesn't come free. Included in the premium tier of their service, the cost to change your mind seems to vary greatly depending on a number of … [Read more...] about Tinder Remorse Available For a (Variable) Price
Pinterest App Receives Makeover for Android Devices
Those of you with a Pinterest addiction that rivals mine will be delighted to hear that the Android version of the app has received an overhaul that includes a move vibrant and intuitive user interface (iPhone users have been enjoying this major update for a few weeks now, so it's about time). In addition to the new look and feel, loading the app is also opening faster than … [Read more...] about Pinterest App Receives Makeover for Android Devices
Path Talk Launches in UK, Ireland, Australia, and New Zealand
In my line of work, I have the opportunity to test drive a lot of apps --many good but more that aren't; every now and then, my mind is blown and I feel a little mad that I didn't create it myself. Path Talk falls into that last category, quickly becoming one of my favourite apps of all time since it's launch earlier this year. Having been available in the US and Canada for … [Read more...] about Path Talk Launches in UK, Ireland, Australia, and New Zealand
Facebook Hard at Work on Enterprise Collaboration Tool
Most offices have been working diligently to find ways of keeping Facebook out of sight and mind for their employees while on the job --but the social media giant may be finding ways to make inroads of their own into the enterprise market. While technically still in the rumours stage, the 'Facebook at Work' initiative is all but confirmed and could roll out in the next few … [Read more...] about Facebook Hard at Work on Enterprise Collaboration Tool
Twitter Co-Founder Launches SUPER Social App
Biz Stone may have helped to create Twitter, but he didn't stop there. His new company, Jelly Industries, just released another social app called SUPER. It serves virtually no purpose and barely qualifies as actually being social (because the things you create and share are only available within SUPER and cannot be shared outside of the app); all the same it is fun and chances … [Read more...] about Twitter Co-Founder Launches SUPER Social App
Snapchat Joins Mobile Payment Game with Snapcash
I am pretty sure that Snapchat's new payment option, Snapcash, is either the best idea I have ever heard... or the worst. We are all familiar with the send and expire nature of Snapchat, and how easy it is to communicate with your friends quickly and easily. Thanks to a deal with Square Cash, you can connect up your debit card (as long as you are at least 18 years old), type in … [Read more...] about Snapchat Joins Mobile Payment Game with Snapcash
Facebook Allows Better Customization of Your News Feed
I would ask if any of you have been annoyed by the content featured on your Facebook news feed, but we all know the answer. What you see (and don't see) has long been a bone of contention for those who check Facebook regularly... filled with things you don't want to see. While it may seem like an easy solution to say that we can just unfriend those people who we find annoying, … [Read more...] about Facebook Allows Better Customization of Your News Feed