Even if you have no idea why she is famous, you would have to be living under a rock to to avoid hearing about Kim Kardashian. If you are dying to know how she became an A-list celebrity, playing the Kim Kardashian: Hollywood game for Android will guide you through all of the steps you need to succeed.
There is no end to the cheese factor with this game. You begin by creating your star-to-be (male or female) and kustomize (misspelling intended) your hair, clothing, and makeup until you feel you are red carpet ready. From there you befriend Kim, who acts as your mentor as you try to impress her into giving you the advice you will need to take over cities like LA, New York City, and Miami.
The interface is strangely addictive, but it’s also a little juvenile. The game tells you everything you need to do, moments before you do it –so there really isn’t any thought required in order to play. A young teenager is likely the ideal demographic for this title.
If you are curious enough to give Kim Kardiasian: Hollywood a try, download it now for free.