Before I begin, let me say that there are a lot of idiots on this planet… and with all due respect, a large percentage of them are outraged right now because if they put a smartphone the size of a small tablet in the front pocket of their skinny jeans, it might bend. Shocking to be sure.
The real question in my mind, is whether this same smartphone bends when being used in the manner for which it was intended. Unbox Therapy gives us a hand with this evaluation with two videos (linked below) showing how easy (or difficult) is it to bend an iPhone 6 Plus –and then following up by showing the same test on a Samsung Galaxy Note 3 (the newest Galaxy Note 4 is not yet available for testing purposes).
After watching these (and many other) videos on the subject, one thing is crystal clear: you should absolutely not take your brand new iPhone 6 Plus smartphone, grip it with two hands, and use all of the force in your adult, male body to try bending it in half. If you’d like to do that very thing with your Galaxy Note 3, it appears you can feel free –but why on earth would you want to?
I bet your iPhone 6 Plus would also break if you beat on it with a ball-pein hammer. Or dropped it from a third-storey window onto concrete. Or drove over it with your tank. So ideally, don’t do any of those things either.
It’s a big phone. It’s made of aluminum. Take good care of it, maybe even put it in a case to protect it… and stop expecting Apple to fix a problem that isn’t real.
Now with all of that said, regardless of the truth, one thing is for certain: Apple is messing up. Their silence is being interpreted as apathy. Even if their response was to say these claims are ridiculous, consumers would appreciate being acknowledged.
iPhone 6 Plus Bend Test:
Galaxy Note 3 Bend Test (iPhone 6 Plus Follow-up):