The 16 and 32 GB versions of Research in Motion’s PlayBook tablet was unveiled at the DevCon event in San Fransisco. Now several weeks later, Research in Motion has chosen the Gulf Information Technology Exhibition (GITEX) convention now underway at Dubai to come up with what many had long been waiting for, the 64 GB version of the PlayBook tablet PC. However, before you fall off your chair with joy, the 64 GB PlayBook isn’t going on sale today, or for that matter, tomorrow. Rather, the good thing is, now we do know for sure the 64 GB PlayBook is indeed in the making.
The other aspect that has also come to the fore is that the tablet won’t be just the current range of PlayBook’s with an enlarged storage capacity. Rather the top of the line PlayBook will come with thoroughly enhanced features. From what RIM Co-Chief Executive Officer Jim Balsillie mentionmed at the GITEX conference, the new enhanced PlayBook will come with a dual core 1 GHz processor along with 1 GB of RAM. It will be compatible with Adobe Flash 10.1, HTML5 and Adobe AIR. The tablet will come integrated with twin HD cameras, a 5 megapixel unit on the front and a 3 megapixel camera on the back as well as HDMI output. All of these can well make the PlayBook as what can be said the ‘first multi-core, multi-processing, multi-tasking tablet’ to come our way.
However, the biggest surprise that the new PlayBook includes is the battery that it is touted to comes with, which at 5300 mAh is better than what even some top end laptops or notebooks PCs can’t boast of though unfortunately, there is no word as to how long the PlayBook can sustain operations on a single charge.
As for the enhanced memory, it sure is a welcome addition for a device that boasts of fine media capabilities. The absence of any external media support is another aspects that makes it necessary for the PlayBook to have a bigger storage. And lastly, to have a 64 GB PlayBook also puts RIM on an equal footing to take on the iPad that too has 16, 32 and 64 GB versions on offer.
The PlayBook will be light and compact, with measurements of 5.1 x 7.6 x 0.4 inches while weighing in at just about 400g. The Playbook will also have enhanced connectivity options, excellent web browsing capabilities which when combined with the powerful battery can make the PlayBook a killer of a tablet device. The PlayBook will go on sale in the North American markets from early 2011 onwards followed by a world wide launch.
With a keen interest in tech, I make it a point to keep myself updated on the latest developments in technology and gadgets. That includes smartphones or tablet devices but stretches to even AI and self-driven automobiles, the latter being my latest fad. Besides writing, I like watching videos, reading, listening to music, or experimenting with different recipes. The motion picture is another aspect that interests me a lot, and I'll likely make a film sometime in the future.