Rumors of Apple working on a bigger iPad variant have been doing the rounds for quite some time now. However, there seems something substantive on this front taking place with new reports pointing out a 12.9 inch sized iPad could be ready by October 2014. Along with this, Digitimes is also claiming the said iPad variant will go on to replace the 11 inch MacBook Pro. To what extent the last bit makes sense is debatable considering a small sized ultrabook caters for a completely different segment than a device that is purely tablet in its execution and functionality while also being entirely dependent on touch based input even if it offers a bigger display.
The Digitimes report also has mention of the big-screened iPad that is being put together by Quanta Computers to be aimed primarily at the educational segment in North America. However, usage of the said device in the enterprise segment can’t be ruled out either and this could be a tacit ploy on part of Apple to break into a segment that is traditionally dominated by Microsoft. Also, with Microsoft finding the going a bit tough with its latest Windows version, this also makes it just the right moment to have bigger screened version of the best-selling iPad ready for the enterprise segment as well.
Meanwhile, its not the iPad alone that would be seen growing bigger to make it appeal to newer emerging segment as the same also seems to be applicable to the iPhone as well. A bigger iPhone variant that was also rumored to be under development could be ready by May 2014. This would allow Apple to field a competitor in the rapidly emerging phablet segment, which for a change will make the California company playing second fiddle to its arch rival Samsung. The latter’s Galaxy Note 3 is ruling the roost in this segment, with sales averaging at 5 million devices a month. Apple is also reported to have landed up a deal with TSMC for supplying the chips based on 20nm processor manufacturing technique to power the bigger iPhone variants.
However, with the launch dates for the bigger versions of both the iPad and iPhone quite some months away, it won’t be surprising to see plenty more rumors and speculations to crop up in between. Meanwhile, Samsung too is rumored to be testing bigger screened versions of its Galaxy Tab range, one that comes with 12 – 13 inch display.
With a keen interest in tech, I make it a point to keep myself updated on the latest developments in technology and gadgets. That includes smartphones or tablet devices but stretches to even AI and self-driven automobiles, the latter being my latest fad. Besides writing, I like watching videos, reading, listening to music, or experimenting with different recipes. The motion picture is another aspect that interests me a lot, and I'll likely make a film sometime in the future.