The HP TouchPad saga has been thoroughly interesting so far. A high profile launch followed by discounts to HP leaving the tablet business altogether and resorting to $99 clearance sale of the remaining stock of the WebOS tablet that led to almost the 21st century equivalent of a gold rush; we have seen it all take place in a matter of just weeks. In fact, so huge has been the demand for the HP tablet that for once, every other tablet took to the back seat while the TouchPad ruled the roost.
However, whether its this or something else, HP, it seems to be having second thoughts about giving the Touchpad another chance.
“Tablet computing is a segment of the market that’s relevant, absolutely,” Bradley said while also adding that the company might go for providing the TouchPad another lease of live.
Meanwhile, HP is in the midst of undergoing some deep-rooted restructuring and is looking to spin off its PC business rather than selling it off completely. Maybe the spun off entity would be made to bring back the TouchPad once more. However, what seems certain is that any new Touchpad version (or a new model line-up) will involve new design and technology to ensure a better survivability. The company though has stated it will remain fully committed to the warranty and other obligations as regards the TouchPad while developing the WebOS platform.
In the meantime, HP is sending out mails to those who had expressed interest in the Touchpad saying they are making every effort possible to make available more TouchPads. So those who had missed on the first few round of fire sale can still hope to get hold of a TouchPad.
Combine the above with reports of unused parts now in possession of component makers which is enough to produce about 100,000 of the 7 inch TouchPad Go and all of it does point to something.
Here’s our wishlist: there is some more shipments of TouchPad (maybe the craze is what is liked here), a new TouchPad comes in the scene, price remains low (if not as low as $100) and the WebOS flourishes.
With a keen interest in tech, I make it a point to keep myself updated on the latest developments in technology and gadgets. That includes smartphones or tablet devices but stretches to even AI and self-driven automobiles, the latter being my latest fad. Besides writing, I like watching videos, reading, listening to music, or experimenting with different recipes. The motion picture is another aspect that interests me a lot, and I'll likely make a film sometime in the future.