Apple usually updates to the iOS platform once a year, though that might be reduced to 6 months this time around. The next version, iOS 7, is already due, considering the last time that iOS had had a significant overhaul was in 2012, with the final version launched on Sept 9th (it was previewed during Worldwide Developers Conference WWDC in June last year). iOS 7 is expected to feature a significant improvement over its previous iteration, which is supported by the recent appointment of the Apple hardware design chief Jony Ive as the head of the human interface team. A thorough overhaul of the user interface has been expected for some time now.
However, in the absence of hard facts, designer F. Bianco is relying on educated speculation. He has kept the same look and feel of previous iterations, though has stressed on improving the overall user experience with it. These include a new mission control interface, widgets, and lock screen, along with a few other surprises as well. For instance, a swipe along the side over the area showing time and date will reveal options for Bluetooth, Do Not Disturb, Airplane Mode, and Wi-Fi. However, it is the quick reply feature that Bianco has proposed that seems to be the most useful. The best thing is that it works on the home screen as well as the lock screen, which means a quick reply can indeed be accomplished in the most hassle free manner.
Apple already has a number of launches up its sleeve. These include the new iPad 5, new ipad Mini 2, as well as iPhone 5. Of these, Apple is rumored to be launching iPad 5 this month, though it remains to be which of these will come running the new iOS 7 right out of the box.
Meanwhile, here is a video that Bianco has released containing details of the UI changes that he thinks will accompany iOS 7.
With a keen interest in tech, I make it a point to keep myself updated on the latest developments in technology and gadgets. That includes smartphones or tablet devices but stretches to even AI and self-driven automobiles, the latter being my latest fad. Besides writing, I like watching videos, reading, listening to music, or experimenting with different recipes. The motion picture is another aspect that interests me a lot, and I'll likely make a film sometime in the future.