The budget tablet segment in India is suddenly abuzz with mTab from computer peripherals maker Mercury being the latest to join the party. Priced at an affordable Rs. 9,499, the mTab comes close on the heels of other such similar offerings from Reliance and Beetel and is the cheapest of the lot though the good thing is the cheap price tag isn’t too omnipresent on the spec sheet.
Like the mTab comes with a 7-inch WVGA TFT LCD touch display though its on the other side of it wherein lies its biggest USP — a 1.2 GHz triple core processor which in conjugation with a 512 MB RAM promises a speedy affair for the tablet. Running the show will be Android 2.3 Gingerbread while on-board storage amounts to 4 GB. That’s not all for there also is a SD card slot that will allow one to add 32 GB more.
The mTab also includes a 1.3 megapixel webcam at the front while for connecting to the Internet, the mTab comes with IEEE 802.11b/g Wi-Fi while 3G services can be availed of via an external 3G USB dongle. Dimension wise, the mTab measures 19.3 X 11.7 X 1.4 cm while weighing in at a quite convenient 400 gms.
“At Mercury, we always strive to make technology affordable to users. We are not in the league to announce the cheapest tablet in the country, we believe in providing a strong quality product backed with features and applications that are required by today’s user. We promise an experience for all with a high performance display, ease of internet surfing, playing a huge range of games and it’s not heavy on your pocket, said Sushmita Das, Country Manager, India, Kobian.
The mTab’s nearest competitor is the Beetel Magiq which costs Rs. 500 more while running Android 2.2 Froyo though the company has promised the Gingerbread upgrade in future. The Reliance 3G Tab is also a decent offering but costs more at Rs. 12,999.
via techshout
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