As per the latest tablet PC news, Motorola (who has a staggering presence in the mobile and smartphone segment world wide) might have a tablet device ready by the first quarter of next year.
“I will only develop a tablet if it is sufficiently compelling,” revealed Motorola co-chief Sanjay Jha during an on-stage chat at a Deutsche Bank Technology Conference in San Francisco. “Hopefully, that is early next year,” he further added.
Motorola has long been rumored to be in the process of developing a tablet PC with the Android as the OS. Now this can be the clearest sign of things to come from the company. “I see the tablet market as an opportunity; no cannibalization with smartphones,” said Jha. Athough he feels that their entering the tablet segment is a natural next step in their evolution when he said,”iPad is more an extension of iPhone than a migration of a Macintosh. I think that is a natural expansion for us.”
The Illinois-based company has been banking on the Android operating system to turn around its smartphone business, though they feel the mobile operating system is yet to be fully ready for use in a tablet environment, something that Google also acknowledges. This can be an indication of a Gingerbread running tablet from Motorola in future.
And he seems to be making the right moves when he stated the Android Market Place might be good in its present form, but is far from being ideal, which is exactly what he aims to remedy when getting on with the tablet act with full fury.
“The Marketplace experience on Android is good, it is not great,” Jha said. “We are trying to rectify that situation. You will see us as an ecosystem very focused on that.”
While details of the upcoming tablet are scarce at best, rumor has it that the tablet codenamed Stingray will be built around an nVidia Tegra 2 processor while also being FiOS enabled. The OS is likely to be Android 3.0 and may be in the 10 inch category of tablets equipped with front and rear cameras. The official carrier partner is expected to be Verizon in the US.
With a keen interest in tech, I make it a point to keep myself updated on the latest developments in technology and gadgets. That includes smartphones or tablet devices but stretches to even AI and self-driven automobiles, the latter being my latest fad. Besides writing, I like watching videos, reading, listening to music, or experimenting with different recipes. The motion picture is another aspect that interests me a lot, and I'll likely make a film sometime in the future.