Those aspiring to buy the Motorola XOOM in India have some good news. For the 10 inch tablet range now starts at Rs. 29,990 for the Wi-Fi only version with 32 GB of on-board space. The same with 3G capability will set one back by RS. 35,590. The previous prices used to be Rs. 32,990 and Rs 39,990 for the Wi-Fi and 3G versions respectively.
Also if anyone has to be thanked for the downward price revision meted out to the XOOM, it has to be Samsung Galaxy Tab 750 which is now selling for Rs. 34,999.
Everything else with the XOOM remains the same though it must be said the price still has to be brought down by a few more thousands before people start looking at the XOOM, or for that manner most other tablet PCs for accomplishing their regular computing needs.
via bgr
With a keen interest in tech, I make it a point to keep myself updated on the latest developments in technology and gadgets. That includes smartphones or tablet devices but stretches to even AI and self-driven automobiles, the latter being my latest fad. Besides writing, I like watching videos, reading, listening to music, or experimenting with different recipes. The motion picture is another aspect that interests me a lot, and I'll likely make a film sometime in the future.