Notion Ink today sent an email to around 100 developers giving them a tease on the upcoming Project Genesis.
Notion Inks Adam Tablet PC is making waves in the tech world, about its robust features. Project Genesis is an online competition giving “millions” away to developers who make great applications to be shipped with the device. Also, these applications will be features in Notion Inks own online store that it is developing. This new store is not a straight alternative to the Android Market, but the applications developed will have the Adam in mind.
In further developments, CEO of Notion Ink Rohan Shravan has encouraged people to send emails to to apply for access to the SDK.
On the Notion Ink Blog, Rohan elaborated on some other news that the community at large has been pestering him about. He mentioned that in the first week of November, the Notion Ink Adam is slatted to enter into FCC certifications.
On the issue of the end price people would pay for the device, he had this to say “We want is cheap as well. I don’t think profit is in hardware. It lies in the ecosystem. And when the best hardware can be clubbed with a massive eco-system, you are talking about a revolution. There are unusual barriers in hardware which will not allow anyone to reduce prices below a certain level. The reason is, I think, as soon as a component hits large-scale manufacturing to become cheaper, next generation, better and faster component is available at the same. You probably have noticed this with Apple a lot.” He went on to elaborate ” Currently we will ship LCD and PQ Variants. Both available in Wi-fi only and 3G modes. I believe you will get a range of around $399 to $498 for these four. We are also working on reducing it further down.”
Michael Kozlowski is the editor-in-chief at Good e-Reader and has written about audiobooks and e-readers for the past fifteen years. Newspapers and websites such as the CBC, CNET, Engadget, Huffington Post and the New York Times have picked up his articles. He Lives in Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada.