Aakash tablet has been hogging the lime light since its announcement and initial launch. The tablet was introduced mainly for the students community in India though there is also an upgraded version that has now been announced priced at $45. Aakash has also received 1.4 million pre-orders and the one thing that has helped it notch up such a thumping response if not anything … [Read more...] about Classpad Tablet PC released in India
$35 Tablet Ready for Launch on Oct 5
In a surprising turn of events, the $35 tablet is now back on track with the formal launch event slated to take place on October 5th. The idea of a full fledged tablet device that costs as low as just $35 had made the tablet headlines world wide, though subsequent hiccups in finding a suitable manufacturing partner had led many to doubt if such a low price tag could indeed be … [Read more...] about $35 Tablet Ready for Launch on Oct 5