eBook lending to public libraries just went international with the first country to benefit from the 3M Cloud Library System. Canadian patrons will now be able to borrow digital content through the provider, including titles from several of the Big Five publishers and hundreds of other publishers. "We know that libraries are looking for every possible way to help staff … [Read more...] about 3M Cloud Library Launches in Canada with New Features
ALA Midwinter
OverDrive Unveils Enhanced eBook Lending at ALA Midwinter
OverDrive, one of the global leaders in digital content solutions for more than 28,000 public and school libraries, will be attending this week's American Library Association Midwinter meeting, and demonstrating an exciting new offering. With the ability to borrow enhanced ebooks in the near future, OverDrive is giving attendees a sneak peek at what this experience will be … [Read more...] about OverDrive Unveils Enhanced eBook Lending at ALA Midwinter
Bilbary’s Tim Coates’ Panel Notes Call for eBook Lending Reform
Tim Coates, CEO and founder of Bilbary, was due to speak on two presentations at this year's ALA Midwinter Conference, taking place now in Seattle, but illness prevented him from making his appearance. Due to the importance of the topic at hand, namely, reforming the way publishers and libraries work together on ebook lending, Coates has made his notes available to the media in … [Read more...] about Bilbary’s Tim Coates’ Panel Notes Call for eBook Lending Reform
OverDrive Now Delivers Streaming Video and Audio to Members
At last week's Digital Book World conference, OverDrive CEO Steve Potash promised GoodeReader in an interview that the digital content solution company would be hosting a demonstration of new features at this week's ALA Midwinter conference in Seattle. Today's announcement of streaming video and audio for member schools and libraries makes OverDrive's Next Generation platform … [Read more...] about OverDrive Now Delivers Streaming Video and Audio to Members
Pew Internet Report Shows Consumers Want More Technology
The Pew Research Center's Internet and Family Life Project has released another report based this time on library usage and how patrons' attitudes towards libraries are shifting, both for the better and otherwise. According to a statement in the report's summary, "The internet has already had a major impact on how people find and access information, and now the rising … [Read more...] about Pew Internet Report Shows Consumers Want More Technology
2012 Record Year for eBook Borrowing
Despite the interview yesterday with Bilbary's Tim Coates on what libraries in the UK must do in order to keep their doors open, US libraries continue to adapt to a business model that helps libraries be more than just a location to pick up dusty books. In order to meet the growing needs of a more technologically-minded culture, libraries are stepping forward and offering their … [Read more...] about 2012 Record Year for eBook Borrowing
Cloud-Based Ebook Lending with 3M at ALA
3M’s Library System loves to show up at a packed conference and show off something new and innovative for the world of library ebook lending, such as at last year’s ALA Conference when all the buzz was about the dedicated e-reader designed specifically to be checked out from local public libraries. Today, 3M once again didn’t fail to impress at the ALA Midwinter Conference when … [Read more...] about Cloud-Based Ebook Lending with 3M at ALA