Amazon launched its Kindle Singles site earlier this year, and despite its popularity—six titles in the Kindle Singles store were ranked in the top twenty for all Kindle downloads, ebooks included—and a wealth of submitted material, this seems to be one avenue in which Amazon is not willing to give authors free reign. All submissions of the 3,000 to 5,000 word titles are read … [Read more...] about Amazon’s Digital Short Story Publication Platform
amazon kindle
Flying Word’s Interactive Classics
As tablet PC sales continue to rise and greater numbers of digital reading consumers clamor for interactive, full-color reading experiences, enhanced ebooks and app books are gaining popularity. More and more sites are developing the capability to launch fully interactive literature for tablet PCs, smart phones, and other app-enabled devices. Flying Word, a digital content … [Read more...] about Flying Word’s Interactive Classics
California Affiliates Are Up the Amazon Creek
Unlike much of the speculation across the internet, it’s hard to see as the bad guys in yet another chapter of the great sales tax debate. With several states already feeling the sting of losing its affiliates’ status with Amazon over a desire to enforce what the online retailer claims to be an illegal sales tax law, California was given ample fair warning about what … [Read more...] about California Affiliates Are Up the Amazon Creek
Pottermore Ousts iTunes for Audiobook Rights
The uproar over Pottermore has only settled down minutely, but now that the initial excitement has worn off and the shouts of praise for the pioneering author have stopped echoing off the halls of the forums and blogs, the whiners are coming out of the woodwork. Brick-and-mortar stores are apparently up in arms because the site will be the only location that sells the ebooks, a … [Read more...] about Pottermore Ousts iTunes for Audiobook Rights
OverDrive, 3M Bring Their New Projects to ALA
At the 2011 American Library Association Conference going on now in New Orleans, participants eagerly awaited the demonstrations on new launches of two key players in ebook lending, OverDrive and 3M Library Systems. Both companies were staged to introduce new technology in ebook library lending, and conference attendees were not disappointed. While OverDrive has had a hand … [Read more...] about OverDrive, 3M Bring Their New Projects to ALA
Ampersand Makes E-Poetry Possible
Poetry publishers have been battling digital publication ever since e-readers appeared on the scene, and it’s not because they don’t want readers to enjoy Walt Whitman on their Kindles. Although poetry makes up only a small percentage of book sales, they are still a highly active part of the publishing industry. As more and more self-publishing and digital publishing … [Read more...] about Ampersand Makes E-Poetry Possible
Digital Publishing Platforms Fight Back Against Unsavory Content has published several updates on the state of spam and pirated ebooks that have been flooding the online retail bookseller sites, many of which are nothing more than PLR or outright stolen content, pasted into a converter, sometimes without even bothering to change the title or cover design. It’s a problem that some in the digital publish industry fear may lead … [Read more...] about Digital Publishing Platforms Fight Back Against Unsavory Content
Amazon Not Backing Down from Sales Tax Debate, Just Changing the Rules
Nearly twenty years ago, the U.S. Supreme Court handed down a ruling that went on to protect internet-based businesses from collecting sales tax in states where they do not have a physical store or office. While that ruling pre-dates internet commerce and was meant to apply to mail-order businesses, the spirit of the law still applies to online retailers. But when a sizeable … [Read more...] about Amazon Not Backing Down from Sales Tax Debate, Just Changing the Rules
Ebook Spam Could Be the End of the Digital Publishing Industry
When e-readers first appeared, the naysayers swore it would never catch on. That claim has now been laid to rest, in light of news that e-books are outselling print on many platforms. But the ebook industry faces a severe threat, a new technique of spamming and piracy that may be enough to cause readers to abandon their devices and return to good old fashioned hard copy text … [Read more...] about Ebook Spam Could Be the End of the Digital Publishing Industry
Review of the Amazon Kindle with Special Offers
Amazon has released a new version of the popular Kindle 3rd generation that serves advertisements to offset the cost of the unit. Many people are apprehensive on this new method that company has taken and we give you our full review of this new device. Hardware The Amazon Kindle WIFI with Special Offers and Sponsored Screensavers is the new darling of the Amazon e-reader … [Read more...] about Review of the Amazon Kindle with Special Offers