Sony had unveiled the Xperia Tablet S device at the IFA, though crucial pricing details were missing. They have now been revealed: $399, $499, and $599 for the 16, 32, and 64 GB versions of the Sony tablet. With the prices, Sony also made it known they'd like to be where Samsung is right now as far as Android tablets are concerned. That perhaps explains the pricing strategy, … [Read more...] about Xperia Tablet S Price Announced, Starts at $399
asus transformer pad 300
Asus Transformer Pad to Ship April 22
The Transformer Prime may be the latest and greatest from Asus, but it has a prohibitive price for your average user. This is where the new budget friendly Asus Transformer Pad steps in. Designed as a low cost alternative to the higher priced Prime cousin, the Transformer Pad is for those who'd like to have many of the features that make the Prime a much desired tablet but … [Read more...] about Asus Transformer Pad to Ship April 22