If you want to download audiobooks from Audible, Kobo, or Libro,fm, you are often stuck with their proprietary web players or apps. What if you have your audiobook collection and want a great way to organize or host them for offline or online listening, like what Plex is for movies and television shows? Luckily, there are many popular software that people employ who are in the … [Read more...] about The Best Audiobook Players for PC and MAC
audiobook apps
Top Audiobook Apps for Android – 2015
There aren't that many quality Audiobook apps for Google Android, as most companies tend to focus on iOS. Still, if you are looking to buy audiobooks, borrow them from the library or subscribe to an audiobook streaming service there are a number of viable options. June 2015 is audiobook month and we are putting the spotlight on them all month long. All of these audiobook … [Read more...] about Top Audiobook Apps for Android – 2015
Top 5 Audiobook Apps for Android
The Audiobook industry has certainly grown up in the digital world. The rise of audio publishing is directly proportionate to the rise of digital distribution. In 2007 a paltry 3,073 titles were available and rose exponentially to over 20,000 published titles in 2013. The entire industry is said to be worth over two billion dollars, which is a huge jump from $480 million in … [Read more...] about Top 5 Audiobook Apps for Android