Come July a new tablet from iBerry India will enter the market. The iBerry Auxus AX01 will be based on Android 4.0 ICS and is aimed at the budget segment, priced as it is at a convenient INR 5,990 for the Wi-Fi only model. Specs aren't anything to set new speed records, though are pretty decent for the price mentioned. The 7 inch tablet will have a 1 GHz Cortex A8 processor … [Read more...] about Latest iBerry ICS Tablet AX01 to Cost Rs.5,990
eGlide Steal Android ICS Tablet That Costs Just $120
Just how cheap can an Android ICS tablet be? Ematic has just upped the ante with a device costing $119.95. Of course, at that price, one can't expect the highest quality, though specs with the eGlide Steal are decent. It houses a 1 Ghz processor (of unknown make), a 1 GB RAM, 4 GB of internal memory (and a microSD card slot for expansion), and a 7 inch capacitive touchscreen … [Read more...] about eGlide Steal Android ICS Tablet That Costs Just $120
ViewSonic ViewPad 7e Budget Tablet to Make Official Debut at IFA
The price of a tablet is inversely proportional to its sales figure and the HP TouchPad has been a living (or perhaps dying) proof of that. HP first tried by slashing price of its TouchPad by $100, though sales continued to languish. They cut the price down to $99 and suddenly the tablet became an overnight hot favorite. However, while the TouchPad is slowly seen taking the … [Read more...] about ViewSonic ViewPad 7e Budget Tablet to Make Official Debut at IFA