ICE X Electronics is the newest company to launch a budget tablet in India. Named ICE Xtreme, the tablet presents a 7 inch display with a rather low screen resolution of 800 x 480 pixels. The Android 4.0 ICS tablet is powered by an Allwinner A10 processor that can be clocked to 1.5 GHz, with a Mali 400 GPU as well to take care of graphic files. For RAM, the ICE Xtreme boasts of … [Read more...] about ICE X Electronics Launches New ICE Xtreme 7 Tablet Priced at ₹6,999
budget tablet
Ematic eGlide 4 Tablet Running Android ICS Costs a Respectable $80
Another Tablet is on the horizon that promises to inflict the least damage to our wallets! The Ematic Glide 4 is a new budget tablet running Android 4.0 ICS. So while there is nothing spellbinding about its features and functions the price factor for sure is one that would tip the scales in its favor. The price one would have to cough out for the tablet is just $79.99. What … [Read more...] about Ematic eGlide 4 Tablet Running Android ICS Costs a Respectable $80
NVIDIA’s Reference Design $199 Tablet ‘Kai’ Unveiled
A $199 price tag has almost become the benchmark for an entry level tablet device and all credit goes to the Kindle Fire from Amazon. The sales numbers of the Kindle Fire found an incredible number of buyers, which has prompted others to offer tablets at that price. NVIDIA is also eager to exploit the growing tablet segment, as is evident from the recent unveiling of the Kai … [Read more...] about NVIDIA’s Reference Design $199 Tablet ‘Kai’ Unveiled
Digilink’s 8 Inch Android ICS Tablet Costs Just $120
The deluge of cheap Android tablets continues unabated. The latest in the list is from Digilink and will set one back by a comfortable $120. Also, a strong point with the Digilink tablet is that with its 8 inch display, it offers an inch more than most budget tablets on offer at the same price range. The spec sheet is quite impressive with a 1.2GHz dual core Boxchip A10 … [Read more...] about Digilink’s 8 Inch Android ICS Tablet Costs Just $120
Disgo Tablet 8104 Runs Android 4.0 and Costs £150
The iPad 3 may be rewriting sales records worldwide, but it can't be denied that it's beyond the budget minded consumer's price range. This is where many a lesser known tablet PCs with acceptable levels of specs and an affordable price tag come in. Take for instance the Disgo Tablet 8104 that comes with a price tag of £150 or $242 in spite of running the latest Android 4.0 … [Read more...] about Disgo Tablet 8104 Runs Android 4.0 and Costs £150
New iBall Slide Tablet Launches for INR 11,999
A new tablet has emerged in the budget tablet scene. The new kid on the block is named Slide by iBall. This is the second type of mobile computing device the company has released and is a different model than what they released in September of 2011. The iBall Slide features a 7 inch capacitive display and has cool curved sides that make it look somewhat like the … [Read more...] about New iBall Slide Tablet Launches for INR 11,999
Archos Arnova G3 Tablet Details Revealed
French manufacturer Archos already has quite a few tablet offerings in the budget segment, and two more tablets—Arnova 9b G3 and Arnova 10b G3—are going to be added to that list soon. Specs are basic, which isn't unusual for a tablet that promises to be kind to your wallet. The 10b G3 is built around a 1 GHz single-core chip, which is fast becoming obsolete with the advent … [Read more...] about Archos Arnova G3 Tablet Details Revealed
ViewSonic Launches ViewPad 7E in India
ViewSonic ViewPad 7E is the latest player in the budget tablet segment in India which might well turn out to be proverbial cat among the (tablet) pigeons. The 7E is also different from the rest of the tablet crowd in that the tablet is done in pearl white which contrasts from the usual black shade that tablet devices have come to be associated with. However, perhaps the biggest … [Read more...] about ViewSonic Launches ViewPad 7E in India
Beetel Magiq II Replaces Original Magiq
While the normal practice of every other company is to upgrade their product that is already in the market, for some strange reason unknown to us, Beetel, maker of the budget Magiq tablet PC, has decided to do just the opposite. So while the original Magiq tablet came with a 1 GHz processor that earned it some respect in the sub 10K price bracket, its successor, the Magiq II, … [Read more...] about Beetel Magiq II Replaces Original Magiq
G’Five to Launch Sub 10K Tablet This Month
The budget tablet segment in India is all set to be bolstered with a new offering from the Chinese firm G’Five. Running on Android, the tablet will be priced below 10k so as to ensure maximum market penetration. The tablet should be ready for a launch within the month, G'Five sources revealed, though the company first stated they would be coming up with the tablet by … [Read more...] about G’Five to Launch Sub 10K Tablet This Month
Beetel Tablet Named Magiq Makes Brief Online Appearance
We reported a few days back that handset maker Beetel's intends to develop a tablet device catering to the budget segment in India. Well, we might be mighty close to the tablet's official launch, though Beetel has yet to confirm the launch date. Online retailer Sagar Telecom even had the device listed on its official site, though it has since been removed. But not before a … [Read more...] about Beetel Tablet Named Magiq Makes Brief Online Appearance
G’Five Plan to Launch Budget Android Tablets in India
The China based company G'Five has drawn up ambitious plans to launch cheap Android tablets in India soon. Not much is known about the tablets except that it they likely to run Android 2.2 Froyo and will be available in both 7 and 10 inch versions. Also, the tablet will have both 3G and Wi-Fi connectivity options. The company has also revealed the tablets would be priced below … [Read more...] about G’Five Plan to Launch Budget Android Tablets in India