Government sources in India have announced they are ready with the next gen Aakash II. Sporting better specifications, such as a more powerful processor and a more capable battery unit (among other enhancements), a key aspect of Aakash II is its support for several important programming languages such as Python, C, C++ and Scilab, making it the first tablet in the market to do … [Read more...] about Aakash II Specs Approved and Ships First Week of July
Kobo eBooks now available at Chapters
Here is some interesting news for customers who live in Canada, and have the Kobo e-Reader, or the new Kobo Wireless. You can now shop for ebooks at one of Chapters Kiosk Stations, in store. Chapters quietly ushered in this new upgrade to their kiosk system without any sign of a press release or any official word. While visiting a local Chapters Book store in Vancouver, … [Read more...] about Kobo eBooks now available at Chapters