E-Reader Companies Will Adopt Color E-paper in 2018 There have been only a handful of e-readers that utilized color e-paper.… Michael Kozlowski22 March 2017
Nook Color gets Apps, Email and Flash with new Update The much awaited Android 2.2 Froyo update for the Nook Color is… Sovan Mandal25 April 2011
Nook 2 to have color touch interface? Exciting things are brewing at the Barnes & Noble camp, and word… Sovan Mandal22 October 2010
New Affordable E-Readers From Paradigm Shift The latest e-reader news is that there’s a new e-reader coming our… Sovan Mandal21 April 2010
MSI To Launch A New Tablet PC It seems the Apple iPad’s launch is what other tech companies were… Sovan Mandal22 March 2010