Known by the world as Kickstarter's darling, the makers of the tremendously popular Pebble smartwatch are hoping for a repeat performance. A little bit ahead of the launch of Apple's wearable debut, Pebble wanted to raise $500K to produce their new Time Steel product. It appears a few backers have some interest in the new wearable; with 20 more days to raise funds, nearly 66K … [Read more...] about Pebble Raises Ridiculous Capital on Kickstarter for Watch Sequel
crowd funding
Amazon to Halt Processing of Crowd-Funded eBook Access, the recently launched crowd-funding site that allows consumers to make pledges of payment to "unglue" ebooks, thus eliminating the copyright and DRM, has just been informed by Amazon that the retailer will no longer honor pledge payments for this kind of transaction. CEO Eric Hellman issued a statement today: “Amazon Payments has informed us that they will no … [Read more...] about Amazon to Halt Processing of Crowd-Funded eBook Access