GoodEReader attended this year’s Digital Book World conference in New York and met up with an amazing crew of attendees from various arms of the publishing world. Agents, editors, and publishing executives were on hand to hear from the many representatives from across the digital publishing spectrum. These experts on ebooks were presenters, panelists, moderators, and exhibitors … [Read more...] about Digital Book World Wrap Up with Mike Shatzkin
Digital Book World
Amazon Divulges Some Critical Numbers at Digital Book World
Most of the big names in electronic reading—Amazon, Barnes and Noble, Kobo—like to keep a lid on all information about things like sales figures on devices, numbers of ebooks sold, and more. So when Amazon’s VP of Kindle Content Russ Grandinetti took the main stage at Digital Book World and enlightened the publishing industry crowd about some of that information, everyone paid … [Read more...] about Amazon Divulges Some Critical Numbers at Digital Book World
Book Pulse and Real-Time Facebook Annotations to Ebooks
BookPulse granted an interview to GoodEReader while on location at the Digital Book World conference this week, detailing the method the company has created for readers to interact through ebooks on Facebook, so if a reader comments or annotates a page in a synced ebook, the comment will automatically appear on that book’s page on Facebook. Additionally, and perhaps more … [Read more...] about Book Pulse and Real-Time Facebook Annotations to Ebooks
Futurist David Houle at Digital Book World
Digital Book World’s keynote speaker on Wednesday morning was author and futurist David Houle, and developer of his newsletter, The Shift Age. “I have been called "the CEOs' Futurist"" as I usually speak to and advise CEO's on the future. I call this process "futuring,” Houle explains via his bio. “We look at where the company is today, the future trends that will reshape … [Read more...] about Futurist David Houle at Digital Book World
Bowker Drives The Data Behind Book Sales
In order for any industry or sector to not only survive but to move forward, there is vital data that must be collected in order to evaluate the effectiveness of the industry as a whole. For so many aspects of the book publishing industry, from traditional print publishing on a large scale down to self-published authors of ebooks, a lot of the information about consumer … [Read more...] about Bowker Drives The Data Behind Book Sales
Data Conversion Laboratory and the Future of Digital Textbooks
DCL was on hand at Digital Book World and CEO Mark Gross spoke with GoodEReader about a topic that was a pervasive theme at this year’s event, especially in light of Apple’s new initiatives last week, namely the digital publication of textbooks. While the concept of digital textbooks at the higher education level became a widespread topic of discussion in the past couple of … [Read more...] about Data Conversion Laboratory and the Future of Digital Textbooks
BookTrack Supports the Ambiance of Digital Reading
GoodEReader met up with BookTrack at Digital Book World this week to learn more about the ways that authors and publishers are able to make their books stand out in the crowd by adding enhanced features. While some critics have complained that reading on an electronic device is too far removed from “real” reading to be enjoyable, still many others enjoy the entirely new … [Read more...] about BookTrack Supports the Ambiance of Digital Reading
Atavist and Short-Form Digital Publishing
Digital Book World 2012 has showcased a variety of forms of digital reading content or add-ons, essentially the ways that e-reading is so much more than just novels. Copia demonstrated its social reading platform and rolled out its college textbook interactivity, BookTracks offered samples of its fully integrated audio enhancements, and a variety of companies like start-ups … [Read more...] about Atavist and Short-Form Digital Publishing
MethodApps Adds Extra Content to Books
At first glance, one might wonder why an app designer was at Digital Book World, especially since they didn’t seem to sure themselves. The staffers made it clear that they were not publishers, just more like app creators who took on challenging projects for a wide range of users. But when they started talking about the extra features that an app can provide to enhance the … [Read more...] about MethodApps Adds Extra Content to Books
Sourcebooks CEO Sheds Light on Digital Future at DBW 2012
Dominique Raccah, CEO of Sourcebooks publishers, spoke to GoodEReader at Digital Book World about the trends in enhanced digital content, especially as they pertain to an older audience of juvenile readers. With so much content being produced for young readers with integrated features like games and coloring books, it often feels like the middle grade and young adult readers … [Read more...] about Sourcebooks CEO Sheds Light on Digital Future at DBW 2012