According to a recent Trademark application unearthed by Bnet, filed sometime last week, with the priority date of February 19, 2010, Google has filed a trademark application on the term SPEEDBOOK. It is unknown what this product name will be used for, but it was on the category of “computer hardware.” We have been reporting recently that Search Giant Google is developing a … [Read more...] about Google Tablet to be called Speedbook?
google slate
Comprehensive list of Slate and Tablets to debut in 2010
2010 is the year of a new generation of mobile computing products called the SLATE PC. Slate PC’s bridge the gap between a Laptop, a Smartphone and a Netbook. Although a Slate PC is currently not a replacement as of yet for your main Computer, it is a viable alternative to other mobile devices such as E-Readers and Laptops. Slate PCS primarily are a full color, multi touch … [Read more...] about Comprehensive list of Slate and Tablets to debut in 2010
Google and Verizon team up for a Slate PC
We reported last month that Google was working on a Slate/Tablet PC, to be released later this year. The big news today according to a Wall Street Journal article has USA Telecommunications giant Verizon Wireless partnering about with Google, to release a Slate PC. In an interview with the Wall Street Journal yesterday, Verizon chief executive Lowell McAdam confirmed that … [Read more...] about Google and Verizon team up for a Slate PC
And Now, A Slate PC From Google
Slates! Slates! They are everywhere! Well, that’s how the market seems to shape up as of now. It has been raining slates ever since Apple revealed the iPad. The revelation it seems has turned out to be infectious as every consumer electronics company worth its salt has suddenly woke up to a device of this sort. And the latest to join the bandwagon is the mountain view based … [Read more...] about And Now, A Slate PC From Google