Magzter has been a breakout success story in India with userbase of six million and 35,000 digital magazine downloads a day. The company is experimenting with new content delivery methods to appeal to a new demographic via Groupon India. The new Groupon Campaign is poised to appeal to new and existing users of Magzter. Right now you can save 50% on 24 different magazines … [Read more...] about Magzter Experiments with New Groupon Campaign
Skypad Alpha 2 Available for $125 on Groupon
Skytex has had great success in the past using Groupon to sell their line of e-readers and tablet computers. There is a current deal of the day that should not be missed if you are looking at getting an Android Tablet that has tremendous bang for your buck. The Skypad Alpha 2 is available for only $125, which is a huge savings off of the normal price of $299.99! The Skytex … [Read more...] about Skypad Alpha 2 Available for $125 on Groupon