ME Y2 is the latest tablet that HCL Infosystems has launched in India. Priced at ₹14,999, the tablet does not feature anything special, but is 3G enabled and has a SIM card slot. The tablet is powered by a Cortex A9 processor having a clock speed of 1 GHz and 1 GB RAM. The capacitive touchscreen display is multi-touch enabled, having a rather sedate screen resolution of 1024 … [Read more...] about HCL Launches Me Y2 Android ICS Tablet at ₹14,999
New HCL Tablet, Y2 Set for August Debut
Domestic IT major HCL has said it will launch a new tablet device in August though it won't exactly be for the budget segment. The tablet, named Y2, will be 3G enabled and will carry a sticker price of INR 18,000. No other specifications have been revealed as yet, but it is expected to sport better hardware than its current line of tablet devices. HCL's current tablet line up … [Read more...] about New HCL Tablet, Y2 Set for August Debut
HCL Launches Three New ICS Tablets in India
There is quite a number of of HCL made tablets that you can find in the market today. The IT focused company has come up with three more, all of which are targeted at the student community. One of the strongest assets of these devices is the operating system, running Android 4.0! The price range is also fairly solid from INR 7,999 for the Me Tab U1 to INR 9,999 for the MyEdu … [Read more...] about HCL Launches Three New ICS Tablets in India
HCL launches three Android tablets in India
The India based IT Service company has surprised everyone by quietly launching their own range of Android based tablet PCs. HCL has come up with three tablet PCs with prices starting from INR 14, 990 for the base model to INR 32, 990 for the highest speced model. The tablet will form part of the company "Me" line that also comprises a popular range of laptops and notebook … [Read more...] about HCL launches three Android tablets in India
The $35 tablet ‘Indian’ tablet
Remember the $35 tablet that created ripples across the tech world with its ridiculously low price tag? Well, news has it that it's going to reach markets by the 10th of January next year with the domestic PC maker HCL Infosystems Ltd. doing the honors. Named 'Sakshat,' the tablet has already received government funding to the tune of $6.5 million, though the size of the order … [Read more...] about The $35 tablet ‘Indian’ tablet