Apple's latest iPad device is historic in that it is the most powerful tablet the company has ever launched. Powered by Apple's M1 chipset, the iPad Pro 11 and the iPad Pro 12.6 comes with a whopping 16 GB of memory. Unfortunately, Apple had chosen to make available just 5 gigs of it to apps. That is about to change though with the iPadOS 15 of which the second beta version … [Read more...] about New iPadOS 15 beta allows apps to have access to more memory
iPadOS 15
New iPadOS 15 features announced during Apple WWDC 2021 event
The Apple WWDC 2021 keynote address turned out to be software-centric, with the highlight here being of course the announcement of the new iOS 15 for the iPhone and the iPadOS 15 for the iPad. That said, there does not seem to be much for iPad owners in terms of new features - save for a few - with the majority of the announcement having to do with enhancements to features … [Read more...] about New iPadOS 15 features announced during Apple WWDC 2021 event