Bowker, the international clearing house for ISBN numbers, has announced a breach of its website which resulted in theft of payment card information. This theft resulted in an alarming pattern of fraudulent transactions on the cards that Bowker customers had used to order their ISBNs. The number of self-published titles has grown dramatically … [Read more...] about Bowker Announces Data Breach of Self-Pubbed Authors’ Credit Cards
ISBN numbers
Is Self-Publishing Still a Flash in the Pan? Yeah, Right.
In case you were waiting for the hoopla surrounding self-publishing to die down, there's some unfortunate news from Bowker: the number of ISBNs issued for self-published books just reached one million last year. That may not seem like a lot--surely there are more than one million self-published books, right?--but remember, that's only the number of books whose ISBNs were issued … [Read more...] about Is Self-Publishing Still a Flash in the Pan? Yeah, Right.
Indie Authors Are to Blame for Lack of Meaningful e-Book Data
Indie authors often find success in the digital publishing arena but how many titles do they actually sell? Unlike the traditional publishing industry the average self-published title does not have an ISBN number. This number serves as your online SIN and because most e-books do not have this number, it is impossible to quantify meaningful sales data. ISBN numbers are … [Read more...] about Indie Authors Are to Blame for Lack of Meaningful e-Book Data