Authors often have to contend with deadlines, book promotions and social media campaigns in order to draw attention to their latest novel. Whether you are traditionally or self-published the process is more or less the same. Websites are critical to an author, not only does it promote your back catalog of content, but it serves as a nexus point for your online identity. Some … [Read more...] about Some Authors are a Victim of Malware on their Websites
Jamie Oliver
Jamie Oliver Cookbook Offered as Value-Added Content to UK Libraries
Thanks to initiatives like the joint Sourcebooks and OverDrive project earlier this year, The Big Library Read, publishers are finally receiving concrete data on how library lending impacts their book sales. In what appeared on paper to be a bold move that cost the publisher and the author a great deal of money, Sourcebooks made one of its titles available to all of OverDrive's … [Read more...] about Jamie Oliver Cookbook Offered as Value-Added Content to UK Libraries
Print Sales Rose Over the Holidays, But Is It a Sign of a Coup?
All of the early smart predictions about digital publishing allowed that there were markets for print books and markets for ebooks. High-resolution photo books fare better in their print formats, while no one can argue that the romance genre fans don't love digital. A recent article in The Guardian demonstrated that, while print sales rose over the holidays, it is in these … [Read more...] about Print Sales Rose Over the Holidays, But Is It a Sign of a Coup?