Kindle FreeTime Just Got Better with Help from OverDrive One of the more enticing features of Amazon’s Kindle Fire tablet, at… Mercy Pilkington7 May 2014
New Kindle Freetime Update Adds Educational Goals Amazon Kindle Freetime is free software that is built into their Kindle… Michael Kozlowski10 December 2013
Amazon Debuts Two New Commercials for Kindle Freetime and the Paperwhite Amazon, Barnes and Noble and Kobo are the only companies to take… Michael Kozlowski1 May 2013
Kindle FreeTime Unlimited Gives Access to Thousands of Kids eBooks Amazon has just introduced Kindle FreeTime Unlimited! It gives parents and kids… Michael Kozlowski5 December 2012
A Compilation of All the Latest Amazon Kindle Features The Kindle launch event was not just about Amazon launching a slew… Sovan Mandal14 September 2012