Kindle Touch Now Available Internationally The Kindle Touch e-reader is now finally ready for its overseas trip.…Sovan Mandal5 February 2012One comment1 minute read
Report: Kindle e-Readers the Least Used Gifts Amazon tends to flaunt its Kindle Fire as being the most successful…Michael Kozlowski28 January 201213 comments2 minute read
Understanding Kindle Format 8 HTML5 Tools Amazon has updated their entire process of developing ebooks and enhanced rich…Michael Kozlowski28 January 20123 comments2 minute read
Public Libraries Work to Meet Patron Demand for Ebooks According to some projections, ebooks are the reason more people are reading.…Mercy Pilkington18 January 20125 comments3 minute read
The Progression of Ebooks into Reality Literature While one of the great benefits to digital publishing has been the…Mercy Pilkington13 January 2012One comment3 minute read
E-Reading Now Possible on the Proverbial Desert Island One of the aspects of digital reading that its fans have often…Mercy Pilkington8 January 2012One comment2 minute read
Surprising Winner in Wired e-Reader Review Wired magazine published a two-page review of e-readers and unfortunately it comes…Mercy Pilkington23 December 2011One comment2 minute read
Amazon Releases Kindle Fire 6.2.1 Software Update Amazon has come up with a new software update for the Kindle…Sovan Mandal20 December 2011No comments1 minute read
Amazon Is Selling 1 Million Kindles per Week Amazon is experiencing a boom period in Kindle sales over the course…Michael Kozlowski15 December 2011One comment2 minute read
Waterstones to Launch Their Own e-Reader It seems that Amazon is the book retailer that everyone loves to…Mercy Pilkington6 December 2011No comments2 minute read
CyanogenMod 7 for the Kindle Fire to be Released this Sunday Loading CyanogenMod 7 on the Amazon Kindle Fire would be a reality…Sovan Mandal2 December 2011No comments1 minute read
Amazon offering Kindle DX for $259 Amazon reduced the price on their Kindle DX e-Reader by $100 bringing…Michael Kozlowski25 November 2011No comments1 minute read
Tablet Makers Resort to Price Cuts as Kindle Fire Rages With so many tablet PCs doing the rounds, what was missing so…Sovan Mandal25 November 2011No comments2 minute read
Kindle Fire is the Most Sought After Tablet This Season After iPad The Kindle Fire is here and is making waves that have reached…Sovan Mandal22 November 2011One comment2 minute read