It’s another day and another tablet has popped up on the horizon to entice budget tablet buyers in India. This time, it's Kobian’s turn to come up with a tablet PC of its own. The company already enjoys a presence in the computer peripherals industry, so a progression into tablet making can be considered just a natural development. A good thing with the Kobiab iXA is that … [Read more...] about Kobian Launches iXA Tab in India for Rs 3,999
Mercury mTab Neo Launched in India
The budget tablet segment in India just got boosted with the introduction of the Mercury mTab Neo from Kobian. The mTab Neo will join its sibling, the Mercury mTab2, which went on sale in India during the last quarter of 2011. The new mTab Neo boasts of 3G capability, which definitely is an improvement over the mTab2, which was only Wi-Fi capable. Among the other features … [Read more...] about Mercury mTab Neo Launched in India